UDL, Universal Design for Learning, is generally about educating each person to the best of their ability, using the tools that work best for them individually. I think that UDL fits in perfectly in a 2.0 world. Web 2.0 is incredibly interactive, allowing everyone to participate in their own way, with their own technology. Having so much technology at our finger tips really allows us so many opportunities for learning. One drawback of web 2.0 is that information can sometimes be a little off, due to the fact that so many people are capable of adding, deleting and creating the information available, especially with sites like wikipedia.(Dina Rosen, Charles Nelson, 2008) It does take some educated reasoning to decide whether the information you are reading is factual or not. It may be easy for students to be misled, due to this information.
Great point about the potential drawback of a web 2.0 world. How might it benefit students with disabilities, specifically?