Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adaptive and Assistive Technology

I've really enjoyed researching the different types of assistive technology that is available.  Many of us use assistive technology on a regular basis without even knowing it.  Highlighters, sticky notes, spell check, dictionaries, etc.  We all need it, just some of us need more specialized tools.

As a future special education teacher I will need to become well aquainted with the technologies that are available to my students.  We all know how technology is, it is constantly changing and evolving.  The importance to continuously research new devices is crucial.  Something new may have came out that would be just what one of your students need to facilitate their success in learning.

Often these technologies do not just help in the classroom, but with every part of their life.  I can not imagine the frustration one must feel when they are unable to clearly communicate their wants and needs.  Sometimes assistive technology is the tool that finally gives an individual a voice to be heard.  What a relief that must be for the individual, their family, friends, teacher and anyone they come in contact with.

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly correct that we all use "technolgies" on a regular basis. Certainly it is difficult to be an expert in every area-- but hopefully though this module, you were able to explore some resources and tools you might need in the future.
